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Using embodiment practices with humour and wisdom to create a world filled with courage, integrity and purpose by coaching people towards the moment-to-moment discovery of their most empowered selves.

Free Introductory Session!


Individual coaching enables faster skill acquisition and deeper integration of the tools that allow us to change and live happier lives. 


How coaching will help you:


  • Ability to return to a clear mind in the face of turbulence

  • Finding and listening to inner clarity and direction

  • How to navigate difficult situations with grace

  • Greater skill at conflict

  • Greater efficiency at entering into flow states

  • Tapping into clear, authentic power without being aggressive


To arrange a session in person or by skype, contact me here

Why Coaching?

About Amit

My mission is to create a world filled with courage, inner well-being and joy by empowering people.

Amit is a certified Leadership Embodiment Coach and Breathwork coach. He has a range of experience in somatic psychology, process work and mindfulness approaches. 

He holds a 3rd degree Black belt and has over 20 years of experience in Aikido, the art form that inspired Leadership Embodiment practices. He has a BSc Med Hons Degree in Cell biology and worked for some years in business development in the biotechnology field in Cambridge, UK.

He trained and received his Certification in Leadership Embodiment from the founder, Wendy Palmer. He has studied and been certified as a breathwork coach under the guidance of breathmaster Dan Brule. He studied process work with Shakti Malan and Noa Belling. 


Amit has founded Entheos Coaching to bring embodied wisdom practices as a practical application in business leadership and for personal excellence and well-being. His goal with people and organisations is always to offer the means for greater integration and coherence in the way we work, live and interact with each other and the environment. He sees well-being as the path to greater productivity, creativity and joy. And Presence as the path to well-being. 

About Amit


"I've trained thousands of Breathworkers over the past 40 years from every walk of life, in 55 countries. And Amit is one of them. He has done a tremendous amount of personal study and he brings many unique life skills to the practice, making him one of the best Breathwork coaches I know!"

Dan Brule

Author of JUST BREATHE Mastering Breathwork for Success in Life, Love, Business and Beyond.

​"I have always thought of myself as an extremist, the make-a-plan guy, the anchor person, the one that must always have the answers. living this type of life brings a huge amount of turmoil, stress, confusion, conflict and self-doubt.

If I was asked to define what Amit has done for me, I would define it as [this] – He helped me to become aware of when I am not living in the present, to accept reality and maybe more important to be aware that reality is not always what I perceive it to be.
Amit did not fix my life, he gave me tools and perspective so that I can fix my own life.
I am in a better place. "

Ti-Jean Nabal

Entrepreneur, Port Elizabeth, South Africa

"Amit has helped me both in my corporate career as well as my transition into being an entrepreneur. Over the years that we’ve worked together he has helped me gain core skills that made me a better leader, a confident negotiator and less anxious all around.


I’ve learnt how to work under pressure, how to still access my intuition and intellect even when I’m dealing with tough clients, big teams, tight deadlines and bouts of anxiety. This skill helped not only manage one of the toughest clients of my career, I also doubled their revenue with our agency within a year - and repeated this feat in the following year.


He’s helped me conquer my fear of conflict, whereas before I would shy away from a confrontation, because of his coaching I have learnt to stand up for myself and hold my own.


When it comes to negotiations, he has taught me how to understand and include the “others” point of view and this has been so effective in helping present solutions that honour both parties concerns and interests.


Amit has been my “secret weapon” in both my corporate career and my entrepreneurial endeavors. He has helped me to enhance my skills from one milestone to the next. I wouldn’t be the leader and business women I am today without his coaching and guidance."

Harsha Prag 

Entrepreneur, Brand Strategist

Johannesburg, South Africa


About Embodiment Coaching

Embodiment coaching enables you to be resourceful and creative under pressure and to engage with work, people and life with clarity, integrity and power.

It does so through educating the body and mind in unison to understand how we respond to life’s challenges. Following that, how to achieve a shift to a more centred and resourceful state.


What is offered is a set of simple, elegant and highly practical tools that can be applied in any situation, to enable a smoother flow in work, relationships (business or personal) and life.


What Embodiment coaching offers:

  • Ability to return to a clear mind in the face of turbulence

  • Finding and listening to inner clarity and direction

  • How to navigate difficult situations with grace

  • Greater skill at conflict

  • Greater efficiency at entering into flow states

  • Tapping into clear, authentic power without being aggressive




The core principles of the approach are derived from mindfulness practices and Aikido, a Japanese martial art focused on remaining clear, responsive and skillful in the face of the intensity of an attack.  
Aikido has been used all over the world as a model for leadership, as a business approach, for conflict resolution and personal development. The Leadership Embodiment (aka Conscious Embodiment) model of coaching was developed by Wendy Palmer, author of “The Intuitive body”, executive coach and 6th degree black belt in Aikido. She has over 30 years of experience in applying these principles to benefit organisations. 




Much of the Embodiment practice is derived from Aikido, a Japanese martial art focused on remaining clear and responsive in the face of intense challenge. 

Aikido is an approach to harmonious living, it is the way of peace. 

The founder of Aikido, was Morihei Ueshiba, also known as O'Sensei (Meaning 'Great Teacher') 

During his life, Ueshiba had numerous spiritual experiences that greatly impacted his approach to life and martial arts.

Among his realisations, was this:

“True Budo is to accept the spirit of the universe, keep the peace of the world, correctly produce, protect and cultivate all beings in nature; The Way of the Warrior has been misunderstood. It is not a means to kill and destroy others. Those who seek to compete and better one another are making a terrible mistake. To smash, injure, or destroy is the worst thing a human being can do. The real Way of a Warrior is to prevent such slaughter – it is the Art of Peace, the power of love.”

He had found a skilful way of approaching life and conflict. 




Embodiment coaching uses the body as a gateway to behavioural, mental and emotional change. The coaching is experiential and new skills are immediately apparent and applicable in your daily life.


Change on the level of body is a powerful way to making practical changes in the way you work and live your life, quickly. The coaching develops to include both emotional and mental processes as needed.


About Embodiment Coaching

About Breathwork

Change your world with every breath

Breathwork is a facilitated process to engage and restore the natural wisdom of the human system through breath. 


Breathing is involved in every aspect of our lives. It flows through our entire experience of being human. 


As a result, it contains the keys to all our accumulated habits, both efficient and dysfunctional.  

The process of a breathwork session serves first to restore the expansive nature of the breath and second to induce vitality, focus and balance of the body, mind and emotions. 

The process is intensive and can at times yield astonishing release and changes in the level of well-being and integration.   


Contact me here for private sessions. 

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"Happiness, knowledge, not in another place, but this place—not for another hour, but this hour"

- Walt Whitman

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